The Right Time.
"I made them myself". Nice thing to say if someone asks you about your accessories. Often I find things and I think that it would be nice to do something with that. But I have no ideas. But maybe I'll get some ideas in the future. Thats why I buy them. If you're not sure what to do with something old, but special, try to keep it. Especially if it doesn't take much space. By the right time, you'll know what to do with it.
One of the best feelings.
So on to my resolution 4 and 5. I didn't get an internship or a sidejob. Well, resolution 4 is quite difficult to realize. There are not so many opportunities for an underaged. But I was still able to get a job over the holidays. I had to work at least 4 weeks, thats why I'm not able to work there again til next year. But what did I do? I worked as a Housekeeper in a big hotel in my hometown. Pretty amazing, huh? Well, it was quite exciting for me. But it wasn't easy at all. I had to do the same as the trainees. Not at my first week, but after the first one week and a half I had to do alot more. That's what my boss thought, actually, the trainees who showed and thought me everything never really treated me as a "child". First day: Boss to trainee: "just let her empty the bins." - Trainee to me: " Here I show you how to clean the toilets, I think you can do this." Thats how my first week was. And it was great. I was scared at first, didn't know if I was able to do the work they gave me. But I did it. And I did more than my boss expected me to do.
So as I already said, I also had to clean the toilets. As child, I remember myself saying, that I would never want a job were I had to clean the toilets. Stupid young me. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and also alot of people have to do this when they start working or the first time. Yes, I have to admit , its not the best work to do, and sometimes it's really disgusting. But hey, someone has do do it. And hopefully, if you're doing your job good, someone else has to do it later. One day I met these girls on my way, talking about their internship for 9th grade, and saying exactly the same as I did, when I was young. I laughed. Not lot loud of course. Just for myself. Maybe they will never do this. But I don't really think so. One day they'll have to clean their own toilets, right? And this bit of practice...
But I did alot more than just this. I made laundry,learned how to do the guests beds really really fast, cleaned a lot of rooms, cleaned the floors ( not nice at all, they were so huge), and I had to take care of the rooms, were the houseboys and girls get the laundry, soap and other stuff for the hotelrooms. I really did the same stuff that the trainees did. The one worse thing was, that I had to walk all day. 8 hours per day. My feet hurt that bad, I was lucky by the end of the week, that I had two days for chilln'.
Too Afraid
There is this beautiful song from The Black Keys - Too Afraid To Love You. Wonderful by the way. Sometimes there's just this one person you want to spend your time with. And you end up being lonely on a Saturday evening because you forgot about your other friends while thinking the whole day about this special person. But actually you could be "a pair with someone" , but you're just too afraid to love (someone else?). Did I say that I like this song? I'm listening to it right now. Oh these are just my thoughts and feelings on the song, there a lot more reasons for being afraid to love someone. Pretty sure my will also change someday, somewhere.
Lost things...?
Shoes I saw in an underground station.
I always new people were crazy in my hometown.. but forgetting ones shoes...thats a new daftness...But maybe the shoes were for someone special.? Who know's. Well, I love finding cute or delightful or also crazy things on the street, even a little paperheart makes me smile.What did you find on the streets? Besides money..;)Recipe For A Tasty Summer.
Almond Chocolate Cupcake:
- 150g of flour
- 100g of ground almonds
- 2 tsp backing powder
- pinch of salt
- 1 packet of vanilla sugar
- 2 eggs
- 120g of sugar
- 150g of smooth butter
- 4 cl almond liqueur
- 60g chocolate chips
- Preheat oven to 180°C
- mix the flour, almond, backing powder, salt and vanilla sugar in a bowl
- whisk the egg with the sugar and the almond liqueur till it's fluffy then add the butter into the bowl and mix together
- dump the flour-mix into the bowl with the eggs and mix quickly
- add some chocolate chip
- spoon into cupcake cases sat in a muffin tray so they are 2/3 full.
- bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes
- cool the muffins in their cases
Strawberry Milkshake :
- 1/2 liter of milk
- 200g of Strawberries.. more or less as you prefer most
- bit of sugar
- pinch of salt
- puree!
- some ice cubes
Vegetable - Cloud.

Friendships And One Stranger.
My second part of finding a male friend. Can one just say boyfriend? Mmmh. I don't think so. Whatever. Is it even possible to be just friends with a guy? I know a lot of girls who have male friends. But all of them met these while beeing in a relationship. Isn't there always some kind of sexual attraction between them? Difficult to say because as a stranger you can't say what's in between two people. Looking for an answer..
So up to now I never had any real friendship to boys. Maybe just communication difficilties? I'm not sure. This year I came up with the idea of getting a good male friend. As a real resolution. Sounds stupid. I know. And it maybe is. Will remind someone of this crazy people who are looking for their big love. And how these people always get told that they will find their special someone when they stop searching for it. But MY reason for this resolution is that there were some boys in whom I saw actual friends. In the end I friendzoned them. And well. Now I'm trying to get a male friend without sending wrong signals. Not sure if I'm really flirting but..oh well...maybe. Wish me luck..if you want to.
Beeing Brave In Small Things
I found these on a Christmas market in my hometown an immediately fall in love with them. But at first I was scared about actually wear them in public. How would other people think about them? Seriously, I thought I would get a lot of negative comments. But then I thought "fuck it" I like these and I'm gonna wear them and be proud. And then I got the comments. Good comments. Nice words from a lot of people. Be brave in every thing you do or wear even if it is that small. The nice things you'll hear will be as strong, and it will boost your confidence a bit.
Just thinking of my resolutions of the past years gives me a bad conscience. So many things I have wanted to do and never really finished (or even began doing them). I think everyone knows this feeling. More or less.
I wrote New Years Resolutions down since I'm able to write in sentences. And I can clearly say they're nothing one can't do. Seems like I've been always a lazy person...For that reason (and 'cause im older now) I started this blog.To have a reason to do my resolutions and to give other people an incentive to finish their purposes.
I wrote New Years Resolutions down since I'm able to write in sentences. And I can clearly say they're nothing one can't do. Seems like I've been always a lazy person...For that reason (and 'cause im older now) I started this blog.To have a reason to do my resolutions and to give other people an incentive to finish their purposes.
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